“We encourage to build courage for today and the future.”
I am reminded of the incredible success over the summer break when our 23 senior graduates earned their Certified Nursing Assistance Licenses!!
“We encourage to build courage for today and the future.”
This year's theme for Corcoran Unified means is relevant for us more than at any time. We are "Built to Surpass!"
Surpass: “to go beyond in amount, extent, or degree; be greater than; exceed. to go beyond in excellence or achievement; be superior to; excel: to be beyond the range or capacity of; transcend:”
Here is our challenge:
Are we going to complain, add to the confusion, despair and negativity?
Are we going to be on the right side of history and take and make the opportunity to make incredible inroads into educational growth and change in the right direction for kids?
We have a great opportunity that defines us as a district as educators, as employees, as leaders, as influencers and as people who did the right thing and made a difference for our kids. We can look back on this moment in our history and look back with pride and note,
"We did the right thing, we did the harder thing, and our staff, our kids and our community are better off for it!"
We already see the heroism (yes I used the "H" word because that truly describes the people that work in our district) exhibited and demonstrated by support staff, food service workers, secretaries, administrators, teachers, custodians, grounds staff, nurses - everyone. And, do you know what all of these heroes have in common? Attitude.
They are among the people in life who understand that life is 10% what happens to them and 90% of how they respond to what happens around them. In other words, they keep on working and stay focused on their mission and are not dissuaded by circumstance, fear, rumor, negativity, etc.
They stay on task and stay positive not moved by the naysayers that say we can't - they know better because not only we can, but we are and we will!
Even though our district teaching staff is involved in “Distance Learning”, they and all of our support staff is up close and personal!
Our teachers come to their classrooms every day, preparing a learning environment that is much more than a laptop with a screen. Our teachers are doing everything possible to create a learning environment
that is engaging and interactive. They are using multiple devices, multiple cameras, and various screens to take advantage of all of the tools necessary to give our students the best learning opportunities under our current constraints.
Our support staff comes to work every day with open offices that continue to engage and communicate with our parents and community to make sure our student and parent-school experience are effective and positive. We have staff members who also safely visit homes to help verify students are online and registered.
Our grounds department continues to do a great job of keeping our grounds aesthetically attractive and clean, especially during a heat wave.
Many of our support staff continues to come to work every day to garner all the supplies and resources to ensure that we all work in a sanitized, clean, and safe work environment. We cannot take for granted everything that has been done to ensure this on all of our campuses and facilities. We can confidently say we have a safe work environment.
Even though our students are at a distance, our staff's hearts are closer to the hearts of our students and parents more than meets the eye.