Our district is celebrating its thirteenth year of committed work toward teaching and learning with every modern technology tool possible for every student. I could write a great deal about our journey including successes, failures, progress, detours and arrivals.
John Muir Middle School 2006 |
We have learned a great deal, and we find we have adapted and improved our work with the availability of more advanced technology learning tools. Approaching eight years as a K-12 one-to-one district (6-12 students take devices home with free Internet), we need to take a step back and reflect on what we see in our classrooms and campuses compared to our embarkation 13 years ago.
The subtlest yet obvious characteristic of our classrooms is the seamless and transparent use. It has been part of our culture. Not only has it become a key part of the culture, but it has transitioned to a more and more sophisticated strategic part of the student learning. The advent of digital curriculum and the more rigorous projects and activities teachers have grown to introduce and use have been drivers in our uses of technology for learning.
Corcoran High School 2009 |
Our understanding of how technology can be used to personalize student learning has grown tremendously. Our schools are in the process of purposely and strategically creating personalized learning environments.
In our reflection, we have considered once again the "why" behind our commitment to use technology in our schools. The following are the key "whys" for us based on what we have experienced and what we see as potential for our kids:
Corcoran High School 2013 |
We use technology to:
Personalize their learning: For the first time in educational history we now have the tools to provide the flexibility and the adaptability of learning for every child in every classroom. Teachers can create lessons and activities that are:
- Not limited by time and place (Virtual capacity and asynchronous communication)
- Geared for student skill level
- Constantly providing relevant feedback and correction
- Paced for the individual students' abilities and progress
- Designed for the "flipped classroom."
Prepare students for the real world: Imagine any of our students walking onto a college campus or a workplace today that uses typewriters and slide rules to do their work. Digital literacy is a real and valid skill needed for students in today's college and career environment. Using technology tools effectively is not just something our students will get to do; using them efficiently and professionally is a must in order for them to succeed in today's world.
Provide immediate access to timely and relevant knowledge, content, digital textbooks, curriculum and sources: Imagine if your medical doctor was using a 1953 medical school textbook as a source for doing your upcoming surgery. We all know anything short of the most recent and relevant information for our learning and practice is unacceptable. So it is with the access of information for our student learning!
Create active and not passive learners: Students are more engaged in their learning using technology tools and are active in reading, writing, annotating, creating, building, commenting, exploring, researching and actively watching and listening. In lieu of only listening to a lecture or direct lesson, students can be involved in critiquing, commenting, adding, editing and manipulating key information and content.
Provide a learning environment that is consistent with the digital world to which they have grown accustomed: Writer and speak Marc Prensky commented that many students "power down" when they come to school because they are so accustomed to the digital environment that exists in their lives outside of the school day -- in contrast to paper, pencil, overheads, etc. These "Digital Natives" have marked differences in our day and age that require a different approach to teaching and learning than that which most of us have been used to.
Provide tools for collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking: There are several skills and activities students perform with technology tools that are impossible to complete in the traditional classroom. Students have a tremendous capacity to demonstrate their mastery of the "4 C's" in many cases only through the use of modern technology tools.
Provide learning experiences that go beyond the four walls of the classroom: Students publishing their work online for the world to see, creating digital art to be displayed and shared with other students in schools across the world, posting projects presentations and videos via YouTube for their peers to view, collecting, sorting and interpreting information from a local environmental biome to be shared with a partner class via video conference in another country are just a few of the many examples of how technology provides, real, hands-on and relevant learning experiences.
Provide access to rigorous coursework and college learning opportunities virtually anywhere in the world: Access to free (I emphasize "free") online college courses and opportunities to take courses online from anywhere in the world have grown exponentially. Any student at any age can take just about any rigorous, high school and college course for limited or no cost from any where in the world!
Provide tools that are relevant to a student’s career pathway and interest: Every career and every professional uses some form of technology on a daily basis. Student access to technology tools provides opportunities for students to do highly relevant pathway career work and preparation. Technology dominates the workplace of most professionals and managers in business, and our students need to have the foundational technology related skills in order to begin to associate with and grow into career related experiences.